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Classroom: Hematopoietic system

Showing: 1 - 17 of 17 items.
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Thumbnail Name Description Tags Size File Name
Blood (98) Histology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Blood - Normal - Normal 76.41 MB aacr_b33.svs
Bone marrow: smear (99) Histology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Bone marrow: smear - Normal - Normal 100.71 MB b34_100xr.svs
Infant thymus (271) Histology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Infant thymus - Normal - Normal 38.50 MB infant_thymus_92_40xr.svs
Lingual tonsil: tongue (182) Histology - Undetermined - Hematopoietic system - Lingual tonsil: tongue - Normal - Normal 47.22 MB l40_40xr.svs
Lymph node (177) Histology - Undetermined - Hematopoietic system - Lymph node - Normal - Normal 61.77 MB l35_40xr.svs
Lymph Node (1792) Histology - Mouse - Hematopoietic system - Lymph Node - Normal - Normal 91.75 MB uihc_pathogen_3.svs
Lymph node (1868) Histology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Lymph node - Normal - Normal 83.78 MB aacr_ln_normal.svs
Lymph node-silver stain (175) Histology - Undetermined - Hematopoietic system - Lymph node-silver stain - Normal - Normal 48.00 MB l119_40xr.svs
Palatine tonsil (180) Histology - Undetermined - Hematopoietic system - Palatine tonsil - Normal - Normal 73.84 MB l38_40xr.svs
Pharyngeal tonsil (181) Histology - Undetermined - Hematopoietic system - Pharyngeal tonsil - Normal - Normal 37.56 MB l39_40xr.svs
Spleen (176) Histology - Undetermined - Hematopoietic system - Spleen - Normal - Normal 51.63 MB l125_40xr.svs
Spleen (178) Histology - Undetermined - Hematopoietic system - Spleen - Normal - Normal 51.50 MB l36_40xr.svs
Spleen (289) Histology - Monkey - Hematopoietic system - Spleen - Normal - Normal 19.64 MB sc_14.svs
Thymus (179) Histology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Thymus - Normal - Normal 29.85 MB l37_40xr.svs
Thymus (287) Histology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Thymus - Normal - Normal 27.85 MB sc_15.svs
Thymus (400) Histology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Thymus - Normal - Normal 74.07 MB ku_thymus_infant_40xr.svs
Lymph node (492) Histology - Human - Hematopoietic system - Lymph node - Normal - Normal 68.13 MB aacr_5a92.svs
Showing: 1 - 17 of 17 items.
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