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Classroom: Bone

Showing: 1 - 14 of 14 items.
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Thumbnail Name Description Tags Size File Name Date Modified
Paget disease (840) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone - Adaptation and accumulations - Paget disease 64.57 MB 3640.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:37
Osteoarthritis: subchondral cyst (853) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone - Adaptation and accumulations - Osteoarthritis: subchondral cyst 111.73 MB 2050.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:37
Hyperparathyroidism (866) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone - Adaptation and accumulations - Hyperparathyroidism 35.23 MB 4056.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:37
Osteosarcoma (323) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone - Neoplasia - Osteosarcoma 72.18 MB t75_20xr.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:39
Multiple myeloma (755) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone - Neoplasia - Multiple myeloma 76.73 MB b124.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:40
Fibrous dysplasia (855) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone - Neoplasia - Fibrous dysplasia 67.78 MB 3978.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:40
Osteosarcoma (856) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone - Neoplasia - Osteosarcoma 77.86 MB 4174.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:40
Osteoid osteoma (857) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone - Neoplasia - Osteoid osteoma 78.40 MB 4182.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:40
Adenocarcinoma: metastatic (647) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone: vertebra - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma: metastatic 44.04 MB 4435.svs 2013-10-20 13:43:12
Fracture callus (844) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone: vertebra - Cell injury: inflammation and repair - Fracture callus 78.84 MB 4774.svs 2013-10-20 13:43:26
Adenocarcinoma: metastatic (647) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone: vertebra - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma: metastatic 44.04 MB 4435.svs 2013-10-20 13:43:26
Osteomyelitis and chondritis (843) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone: vertebra - Cell injury: inflammation and repair - Osteomyelitis and chondritis 73.67 MB 4709.svs 2013-11-20 09:19:25
Rickets (845) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone - Environmental and nutritional disorders - Rickets 72.30 MB 521.svs 2013-11-20 09:21:33
Chondroma (858) Histopathology - Human - Skeletal system - Bone - Neoplasia - Chondroma 86.15 MB 562.svs 2013-11-20 09:23:56
Showing: 1 - 14 of 14 items.
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