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Classroom: Colon

Showing: 1 - 34 of 34 items.
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Thumbnail Name Size Date Modified Description Tags File Name
Angiodysplasia (vascular ectasia) (788) 66.70 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:37 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Adaptation and accumulations - Angiodysplasia (vascular ectasia) 4379.svs
Diverticulum (803) 71.66 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:37 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Adaptation and accumulations - Diverticulum 4770.svs
Bacillary dysentery (775) 68.55 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:38 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Cell injury: inflammation and repair - Bacillary dysentery 1018.svs
Ischemic enterocolitis (815) 58.60 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:38 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Cell injury: inflammation and repair - Ischemic enterocolitis k299.svs
Hirschsprung disease (811) 62.86 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:38 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Genetic disorders - Hirschsprung disease k13.svs
Hemorrhagic infarct (710) 25.29 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:38 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Hemodynamic disorders - Hemorrhagic infarct 4208.svs
Ulcerative colitis: carcinoma: atypia (787) 71.04 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:39 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Immunologic disorders - Ulcerative colitis: carcinoma: atypia 4374.svs
Ulcerative colitis (799) 71.18 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:39 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Immunologic disorders - Ulcerative colitis 4663.svs
Pseudomembranous colitis (Clostridium difficile) (15) 131.51 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:39 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Infectious disease - Pseudomembranous colitis (Clostridium difficile) 4031_40xr.svs
Pseudomembranous colitis (599) 66.43 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:39 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Infectious disease - Pseudomembranous colitis o74.svs
Amebiasis (952) 74.02 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:39 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Infectious disease - Amebiasis 4369.svs
Actinomycosis diverticulitis: abscess (971) 77.61 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:39 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Infectious disease - Actinomycosis diverticulitis: abscess sc9.svs
Tubular adenoma (33) 72.27 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:39 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Tubular adenoma 4042_40xr.svs
Villous adenoma (34) 68.21 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:39 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Villous adenoma 1917_40xr.svs
Adenocarcinoma (35) 39.22 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:39 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma 4045_40xr.svs
Adenocarcinoma (35) 29.73 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:39 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma 4045a_40xr.svs
Adenocarcinoma (311) 72.41 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:39 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma t11_40xr.svs
Tubular adenoma (adenomatous polyp) (317) 51.13 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:39 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Tubular adenoma (adenomatous polyp) d32_20xr.svs
Adenomatous polyp (tubular adenoma) with a focus of carcinoma (511) 72.18 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Adenomatous polyp (tubular adenoma) with a focus of carcinoma aacr_5928.svs
Adenomatous polyp (tubular adenoma) (518) 75.60 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Adenomatous polyp (tubular adenoma) aacr_gi14.svs
Adenocarcinoma (527) 69.11 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma aacr_gi17c.svs
Adenocarcinoma (527) 20.84 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma aacr_gi17b.svs
Tubulovillous polyp with a focus of adenocarcinoma (532) 80.06 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Tubulovillous polyp with a focus of adenocarcinoma aacr_gi15.svs
Tubular adenoma (adenomatous polyp) (643) 49.00 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Tubular adenoma (adenomatous polyp) 4169.svs
Adenocarcinoma (669) 74.34 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma o22.svs
Hyperplastic polyp (780) 60.09 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Hyperplastic polyp 4043.svs
Villous adenoma (781) 75.54 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Villous adenoma 4044.svs
Juvenile polyp (790) 51.54 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:40 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Juvenile polyp 4405.svs
Tubular adenoma (1258) 125.88 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:41 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Tubular adenoma unsw-55.svs
Adenoma (1621) 486.06 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:41 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Adenoma uihc_s_13.svs
Adenocarcinoma (1622) 351.85 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:41 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma uihc_s_14_A.svs
Adenocarcinoma (1625) 525.89 MB 2013-08-13 12:27:41 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon - Neoplasia - Adenocarcinoma uihc_s_14_B.svs
Candidiasis (959) 72.86 MB 2013-10-04 11:21:41 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon: esophagus - Infectious disease - Candidiasis k169.svs
Schistosomiasis (973) 73.16 MB 2013-10-04 11:33:41 Histopathology - Human - Gastrointestinal tract - Colon: rectum - Infectious disease - Schistosomiasis k273.svs
Showing: 1 - 34 of 34 items.
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