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Classroom: Liver and biliary tract

Showing: 1 - 9 of 9 items.
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Thumbnail Name Description Tags Size File Name Date Modified
Gallbladder (127) Histology - Human - Liver and biliary tract - Gallbladder - Normal - Normal 73.09 MB 67_40xr.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:41
Gallbladder (278) Histology - Undetermined - Liver and biliary tract - Gallbladder - Normal - Normal 13.32 MB gallbladder_61_40xr.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:41
Liver (466) Histology - Undetermined - Liver and biliary tract - Liver - Normal - Normal 60.70 MB neb_liver_01.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:41
Liver: gallbladder (379) Histology - Human - Liver and biliary tract - Liver: gallbladder - Normal - Normal 73.37 MB ku_gallbladder_40xr.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:41
Liver: Trypan blue for Kupfer cells (378) Histology - Rat - Liver and biliary tract - Liver: Trypan blue for Kupfer cells - Normal - Normal 52.98 MB ku_liver_rat_40xr.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:41
Liver-PAS stain (468) Histology - Undetermined - Liver and biliary tract - Liver-PAS stain - Normal - Normal 57.19 MB neb_liver_pas_02.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:41
Liver-silver (reticulin) stain (467) Histology - Undetermined - Liver and biliary tract - Liver-silver (reticulin) stain - Normal - Normal 45.52 MB neb_liver_128.svs 2013-08-13 12:27:41
Liver-glycogen stain (125) Histology - Rabbit - Liver and biliary tract - Liver-glycogen stain - Normal - Normal 63.22 MB 65_40xr.svs 2013-11-20 08:55:10
Liver-carbon injected (126) Histology - Undetermined - Liver and biliary tract - Liver-carbon injected - Normal - Normal 73.77 MB 66_40xr.svs 2013-11-25 12:44:48
Showing: 1 - 9 of 9 items.
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