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Classroom: Supporting tissue and muscle

Showing: 1 - 12 of 12 items.
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Thumbnail Name Description Tags Size File Name
Areolar connective tissue (117) Histology - Undetermined - Supporting tissue and muscle - Areolar connective tissue - Normal - Normal 4.92 MB c03_40xr.svs
Elastic cartilage (113) Histology - Undetermined - Supporting tissue and muscle - Elastic cartilage - Normal - Normal 41.92 MB c06_40xr.svs
Elastic cartilage (116) Histology - Undetermined - Supporting tissue and muscle - Elastic cartilage - Normal - Normal 58.20 MB c02_40xr.svs
Elastic cartilage (215) Histology - Human - Supporting tissue and muscle - Elastic cartilage - Normal - Normal 57.65 MB s07_40xr.svs
Fat (adipose tissue) (118) Histology - Undetermined - Supporting tissue and muscle - Fat (adipose tissue) - Normal - Normal 18.94 MB c04_40xr.svs
Fibrocartilage (114) Histology - Undetermined - Supporting tissue and muscle - Fibrocartilage - Normal - Normal 30.81 MB c08_40xr.svs
Hyaline cartilage (112) Histology - Undetermined - Supporting tissue and muscle - Hyaline cartilage - Normal - Normal 23.44 MB c05_40xr.svs
Mesentery (119) Histology - Rat - Supporting tissue and muscle - Mesentery - Normal - Normal 18.64 MB c115_40xr.svs
Muscle tendon junction (197) Histology - Undetermined - Supporting tissue and muscle - Muscle tendon junction - Normal - Normal 51.70 MB m15_40xr.svs
Skeletal muscle (194) Histology - Human - Supporting tissue and muscle - Skeletal muscle - Normal - Normal 10.69 MB m13_40xr.svs
Skeletal-smooth-cardiac muscle (196) Histology - Undetermined - Supporting tissue and muscle - Skeletal-smooth-cardiac muscle - Normal - Normal 54.32 MB muscle14_40xr.svs
Tendon (235) Histology - Human - Supporting tissue and muscle - Tendon - Normal - Normal 18.90 MB 25_40xr.svs
Showing: 1 - 12 of 12 items.
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